Monday, June 14, 2010


Latest Discovery

Two young engineer now found a way to fly to space border at very cheap using baloon.
2 jurutera muda menemui cara bagaimana terbang ke angkasa dgn harga yg cukup murah...dgn menggunakan belon.

A group of UK sceintist design a side mirror that can tells you information about the car approcahing from behind.
Sekumpulan saintis UK merekacipta cermin sisi yg blh memberitahu informasi tentang kenderaan yg menghampiri dari belakang.

Then & Now
Then & Now of Money making & faking.
Dulu & sekarang tentang pembikinan duit dan pemalsuan.

How Things Work
How artificial heart works
Bagaimana jantung palsu berfungsi.

Fast & Furious
A new version of C130 Hercules, AC130H Spectre can be used not just as primary transporter but also as a gunship.
Versi baru C130 Hercules, AC130H Spectre blh digunakan bkn shj sbg kpl pengangkut, tetapi juga sbg kapal pejuang.

Saltwater Saviour
After big Tsunami on 2004, almost all of the paddy field located shoreline affected become barren. Carl Hodges, NASA ex-engineers come up with an idea that farming a seaweed on the field that can make side income.
Selepas Tsunami pada 2004, hampir semua sawah padi berdekatan pantai terjejas menjadi tidak subur. Carl Hodges, bekas jurutera NASA muncul dgn idea bercucuk tanam rumpai laut di sawah sbg pendapatan tambahan.

Picture Perfect
How the Digital Camera works
Bagaimana Kamera Digital berfungsi.

The Optical Scientist
Hundreds of years before Galileo, Newton & many other well-known western scientist, an iraqi theologian was working out exactly how lights work, & he is Ibnu-Al-Haytham.
Ratusan tahun sebelum Galileo, Newton & ramai lg saintis barat dikenali, seorg rakyat Iraq telah mengetahui bagaimana cahaya berfungsi & dia adalah Ibnu-Al-Haytham.

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