Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Latest Discovery

Latest discovery found that a lot of uranium stockpile dumped underneath moon surface!!!
Penemuan terbaru menunjukkan banyak uranium terdampar di bawah permukaan bulan!!!

Latest discovery also found that insects eye can see world in colors even in the night. How Toyota put this application into car.
Penemuan terbaru juga menemui yg serangga boleh melihat persekitaran dgn warna walaupun dgn gelap. Bagaimana Toyota mengaplikasikannya ke kereta.

Using Nano, how engineers can create dirtproof, breathable & fireproof shoes.
Dgn menggunakan teknologi Nano, bagaimana jurutera blh mereka kasut yg kalis debu, bernafas & kalis api.

American Engineers found a new way to create tsunami warning device - by using induced wire.
Jurutera Amerika menjumpai cara untuk mengesan tsunami - dgn menggunakan wayar.

Usually people will mine to get diamond or gems, now there's a better way, by creating it. The product are same quality.
Biasanya org akan menggali utk mendptkn berlian, sekarang ada cara yg lbh baik, dgn menciptanya. Kualitinya sama.

Then & Now
Brain Surgery - from 10000BC to now doctors using 3D.
Pembedahan otak - dari 10000BC sehinggalah sekarang doktor menggunakan 3D.

How Things Work
How human speech - from lung to mouth.
Bagaimana manusia bersuara - dari paru2 sehinggalah ke mulut.

Fast & Furious
Fastest sailboat that can sail for 100km/h just relying on windpower. A boat as width as 2 tennis court & as high as 17 storeys high building, but weight just as heavy as empty bus.
Kapal Layar terpantas yg blh belayar 100km/j cuma bergantung kepada kuasa angin shj. Bot sebesar 2 pdg tenis & setinggi 17 tingkat bangunan ini cuma seberat bas kosong.

Power Surge
IBicycle that can charge your Iphone by cycling, instead Iphone help you by giving your GPS location, calorie burn while cycling & fitness info.
IBicycle yg blh mengcas telefon sewaktu mengayuh, sbg balasan Iphone menolong anda dgn memberikan anda kedudukan GPS, kalori yg dibakar & info kesihatan.

Mekong River in the mid-19th century was one of the world's great geographical mysteries - on par with the Nile. Where do the Mekong source lie? 1 brave frenchman was detrermined to find out....What did he found??
Sg Mekong sewaktu pertengahan kurun ke 19 merupakan salah satu dari misteri geografi - seperti Sg. Nil. Dari mana asalnya?? Seorg warga Perancis cuba mencari jawapannya...apa yg ditemuinya???

Fishy Business
Mekong Catfish is said to be vary rare, as big as 290kg or 2 metre length, how British extreme angler challenge the nature.
Ikan Keli Mekong dikatakan jrg dijumpai, sebesar 290kg atau 2 metre panjang, bagaimana pemancing British mencabar alam.

Going Home
Learn about carrier pigeon that been used widely by military during WW1 & how they know their direction.
Mempelajari tentang merpati pembawa pesanan yg bnyk digunakan oleh tentera sewaktu WW1 & bagaimana mereka tahu arah mereka..

Animal Myths
Know the truths about 10 animal quest - among it, does camel humps keep water?
Ketahui kebenaran ttg 10 persoalan binatang - antaranya, benarkah bonggol unta menyimpan air??

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Latest Discovery

New discovery found that volcano eruption under Lake Toba dramatically change our region climate?? When ?? & What happened ??
Penemuan terbaru menemui letusan gunung berapi di bawah Tasik Toba telah menukar cuaca di rantau ini ?? bila & apa terjadi ??

Heat generated street lighting
Lampu jalan yg dijana oleh tenaga haba.

A species of cockroach can survive in -60 deg celcius climate... a layer that cover the cockroach body may be apply to human when travelling to freezing temperature.
Sejenis spesis lipas yg blh hidup dlm persekitaran -60 dar. celcius. Lapisan yg menutupi badannya mgkn blh diaplikasikan ke atas manusia bila mengembara ke kawasan sejuk.

Then & Now.
Door - start from 1285BC until today where engineers design I-Door by using Iphone to unlock it.
Pintu - bermula dr 1285BC sehinggalah jurutera merekacipta I-Door yg menggunakan IPhone utk membukanya.

How Things Work
How LED work
Bagaimana LED berfungsi.

Fast & Furious
In this issue, look into natural fast & furious - cheetah. 0-100 in 3 seconds. What make it like that?
Dlm isu ini, melihat kpd keberanian & kepantasan semulajadi - cheetah. 0-100 dlm 3 saat. Apa yg membuatkannya sebegitu?

Destinantion Mars
What does it takes to go to Mars ?? What are the planning ?? What vehicle ?? How will the space suits look like ?? What will they bring ?? & Why MArs??
Apa yg diperlukan utk pergi ke Mars ?? Apakah perancangannya ?? Apakah kenderannya?? Bagaimana rupa pakaian angkasa ?? Apakah yg akan dibawa?? & Kenapa MArs??

Supersonic Spores.
Since century ago, musician bred spores inside their wood guitar or violin to produce melodious music.
Semenjak ratusan tahun lalu, ahli muzik membiakkan spora didalam kayu gitar atau biola untuk menghasilkan muzik yg sedap.

Water Power
Norwegian Engineer designed first water-generated electricity....No, not using dam. But using Reverse Osmosis...While purifying the water they can produce elctricity & also drink the product.
Jurutera Norway telah mereka elektrik janaan air..Bukan menggunakan empangan, tetapi menggunakan Osmosis berbalik...sewaktu mereka menjernihkan air mereka menjana eletrik & hasilnya boleh diminum.

Not Research Paper but Research : Paper
Japanese Engineer are researching on how the jet-plane paper react inside wind tunnel. Not just that origami also can be used to save live....
Jurutera Jepun sdg mengkaji bagaimana kapal terbang kertas berfungsi di dlm terowong angin. Bukan sekadar itu, origami boleh digunakan untuk menyelamatkan nyawa.

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Monday, June 14, 2010


Latest Discovery

Two young engineer now found a way to fly to space border at very cheap using baloon.
2 jurutera muda menemui cara bagaimana terbang ke angkasa dgn harga yg cukup murah...dgn menggunakan belon.

A group of UK sceintist design a side mirror that can tells you information about the car approcahing from behind.
Sekumpulan saintis UK merekacipta cermin sisi yg blh memberitahu informasi tentang kenderaan yg menghampiri dari belakang.

Then & Now
Then & Now of Money making & faking.
Dulu & sekarang tentang pembikinan duit dan pemalsuan.

How Things Work
How artificial heart works
Bagaimana jantung palsu berfungsi.

Fast & Furious
A new version of C130 Hercules, AC130H Spectre can be used not just as primary transporter but also as a gunship.
Versi baru C130 Hercules, AC130H Spectre blh digunakan bkn shj sbg kpl pengangkut, tetapi juga sbg kapal pejuang.

Saltwater Saviour
After big Tsunami on 2004, almost all of the paddy field located shoreline affected become barren. Carl Hodges, NASA ex-engineers come up with an idea that farming a seaweed on the field that can make side income.
Selepas Tsunami pada 2004, hampir semua sawah padi berdekatan pantai terjejas menjadi tidak subur. Carl Hodges, bekas jurutera NASA muncul dgn idea bercucuk tanam rumpai laut di sawah sbg pendapatan tambahan.

Picture Perfect
How the Digital Camera works
Bagaimana Kamera Digital berfungsi.

The Optical Scientist
Hundreds of years before Galileo, Newton & many other well-known western scientist, an iraqi theologian was working out exactly how lights work, & he is Ibnu-Al-Haytham.
Ratusan tahun sebelum Galileo, Newton & ramai lg saintis barat dikenali, seorg rakyat Iraq telah mengetahui bagaimana cahaya berfungsi & dia adalah Ibnu-Al-Haytham.

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Sunday, June 13, 2010


Latest Discovery

Smart Highway that can detect any accident happen on it & also illuminate road marking & detect who & where people crossing double line...not just that it can also transmit electricitry, telephone line & internet line underneath it.
Lebuhraya bijak yg blh mengesan kemalangan berlaku, mengeluarkan cahaya garisan jalan dan mengesan di mana kenderaan memotong kenderaan lain di garisan berkembar...bukan sekadar itu, ia blh membawa eletrik, telefon & internet di bwhnya.

Blu Ray DVD is originated from a species of shrimp inside Australian Sea.. How this HD-eyed species see & how that apply to our DVD ??
DVD Blu Ray berasal dari spesis udang di Laut Australia..Bagaimana mata-HD spesis ini melihat & bagaimanakah ia diaplikasikan ke DVD kita??

Telephonist in Japan now can detect false call by using breathing , voice stress & .........
Telefonis di Jepun kini boleh mengesan panggilan palsu dgn menggunakan pernafasan, tekanan suara & ...

Military now using rat as bomb
Tentera sekarang menggunakan tikus sbg pengesan bom...bagaimana??

Past, astronomers looking for the planet that contain water to find lifeform. But, they overlook it. Now, what are the astronomers looking for??
Dahulu, astronomers mencari planet yg mengandungi air utk mencari kehidupan. Tetapi, mereka terlepas pandang. Sekarang, apa sepatutnya mereka cari ???

Then & Now
Shoes - from 8500bc until future where smart sneakers can detect how many steps you are taking.
Kasut - dari 8500 s.m. sehinggalah masa depan di mana kasut sukan bijak yg blh mengira bilangan tapak yg anda ambil.

How Things Work
How self-park car work
Bagaimana sistem parkir kereta sendiri berfungsi.

Fast & Furious.
Mc-Laren MP4-I2c - latest design luxury car by Mclaren.
McLaren MP4-I2C - Rekaan kereta mewah terbaru dari Mclaren.

Welcome To The Family.
Origin of Flores people found in Flores Island.
Asal-Usul org flores yg dijumpai di kepulauan Flores.

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Friday, June 11, 2010


Latest Discovery

Speedy Sub - Diving in a bubble?? See how they design submarine that can cruise 185km/h. How the do it?? by cruising inside a giant bubble to restrict cutting hydro drag ...
Menyelam di dlm buih?? Bagaimana kapal selam dicipta supaya boleh bergerak selaju 185km/j. Bagaimana?? dgn bergerak di dlm buih besar untuk mengelakkan gesaran air...

Then & Now
Gun - then, now & future
Senapang - dulu, sekarang & masa depan.

How Things Work
How ERP (toll gantry) used in Singapore work.
Bagaimana ERP (toll berpalang) yg digunakan di Singapura berfungsi.

Fast & Furious
Car design by Audi that expected become a hits by legal street racer.
Kereta yg dicipta oleh Audi yg dijangkakan menjadi hits oleh pelumba jalanan.

The Parts of The Matter.
The Great Escape - WW2 british's veteran told the old story how they escaped from maximum security prison in Siberia & walk down through Mongolia, China, Nepal & to India.
Veteran perang British telah menceritakan bagaimana mereka melepaskan diri dari penjara keselamatan maksimum di Siberia & berjalan menerusi Mongolia, China, Nepal & ke India.

Frozen Power
Something strange caught on fishing net on the coast of Canada on 1960 until recently scientist discovered that material caught on the fishing net would become new energy source that could power earth for hundred of years. ...
Sesuatu yg pelik tertangkap di jaring nelayan di pantai Canada pada 1960 sehinggalah baru2 ini saintis menjumapi bahan itu boleh menjadi sumber tenaga yg blh menjana dunia untuk retusan tahun....

The Beast of Bhutan
A group of West scientist try to hunt Bigfoot or Migoi in local language. But, shockingly they found a remote village in the countryside where the villagers not just interfere with it, but also mummified it.
Sekumpulan saintis barat cuba memburu Bigfoot atau Migoi dalam bhs tempatan. Tetapi, memeranjatkan mereka adalah mereka menjumpai kampung terpencil di kws pedalamn di mana penduduknya bukan shj berjumpa dgn Bigfoot, tetapi mengawetnya...

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