Friday, June 11, 2010


Latest Discovery

Speedy Sub - Diving in a bubble?? See how they design submarine that can cruise 185km/h. How the do it?? by cruising inside a giant bubble to restrict cutting hydro drag ...
Menyelam di dlm buih?? Bagaimana kapal selam dicipta supaya boleh bergerak selaju 185km/j. Bagaimana?? dgn bergerak di dlm buih besar untuk mengelakkan gesaran air...

Then & Now
Gun - then, now & future
Senapang - dulu, sekarang & masa depan.

How Things Work
How ERP (toll gantry) used in Singapore work.
Bagaimana ERP (toll berpalang) yg digunakan di Singapura berfungsi.

Fast & Furious
Car design by Audi that expected become a hits by legal street racer.
Kereta yg dicipta oleh Audi yg dijangkakan menjadi hits oleh pelumba jalanan.

The Parts of The Matter.
The Great Escape - WW2 british's veteran told the old story how they escaped from maximum security prison in Siberia & walk down through Mongolia, China, Nepal & to India.
Veteran perang British telah menceritakan bagaimana mereka melepaskan diri dari penjara keselamatan maksimum di Siberia & berjalan menerusi Mongolia, China, Nepal & ke India.

Frozen Power
Something strange caught on fishing net on the coast of Canada on 1960 until recently scientist discovered that material caught on the fishing net would become new energy source that could power earth for hundred of years. ...
Sesuatu yg pelik tertangkap di jaring nelayan di pantai Canada pada 1960 sehinggalah baru2 ini saintis menjumapi bahan itu boleh menjadi sumber tenaga yg blh menjana dunia untuk retusan tahun....

The Beast of Bhutan
A group of West scientist try to hunt Bigfoot or Migoi in local language. But, shockingly they found a remote village in the countryside where the villagers not just interfere with it, but also mummified it.
Sekumpulan saintis barat cuba memburu Bigfoot atau Migoi dalam bhs tempatan. Tetapi, memeranjatkan mereka adalah mereka menjumpai kampung terpencil di kws pedalamn di mana penduduknya bukan shj berjumpa dgn Bigfoot, tetapi mengawetnya...

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