Monday, May 24, 2010


INTERESTING ISSUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Latest Discovery..
Spain's Technologist have developed a new cloak that will be divert sound waves.A step to make Harry Potter Possible.
Ahli teknologi sepanyol telah mereka selubung yang boleh mengalihkan bunyi.

Supercomputer that think as fast as human brain.
Superkomputer yang boleh berfikir sepantas otak manusia.

Lick your wounds cause saliva contain antifungal, antiviral & antibacteria
Jilat luka anda kerana air liur mempunyai antikulat, antivirus dan antibakteria... bagaimana???

Scientist found there is life under a very deep seabed...even the world become barren, they will keep survive..what is it?? in what form??
Saintis telah menemui hidupan di dasar laut paling dalam...walaupun dunia menjadi kontang. Haiwan ini akan tetap lestari. Apakah ia?? dalam bentuk apa??

Truth Vs TV
TV-'Six Feet Under'
Differences for the undertaker work as viewed in '6 feet under' compared to real world undertaker.
Perbezaan antara kerja pengurus mayat dari pandangan TV '6 feet undr' dibandingkan dengan dunia sebenar.

Then & Now
History of paper making.
Sejarah pembuatan kertas.

How Things Work
How water tap work and the history of it.
Bagaimana tap air berfungsi dan sejarahnya.

Fast & Furious
Look into latest superbike which Honda call it's Engineer's Dream....The system, engine power convert to hydraulic power which move the entire system.
Melihat kepada superbike yang mana Honda gelarkannya sebagai Idaman Jurutera....Sistemnya, menukar kuasa enjin kepada kuasa hidrolik yang menggerakkan keseluruhan sistem.

The Spy Who Loved Gadgets
Whats behind the story of James Bond's 007 gadget. What's new and what's have been developed into reality.....also ranking top 10 of Bond's gadget.
Di sebalik kisah peralatan James Bond. Apa yang terbaru dan apa yang telah dimajukan ke realiti...juga carta top 10 peralatan James Bond.

Totally Batty
If we are to believe Hollywood bats are scary. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Bats actually suck blood....know the type and species of bat around the world.
Kita biasa menganggap kelawar dalam filem2 Hollywood adalah menakutkan. Sebenarnya, tiada beza dengan realiti. Kelawar sebenarnya penghisap darah...tahu jenisnya dan spesis kelwar seluruh dunia.

The Point of It All.
It can write under water, in outer space and on almost any surface. It's been used to solve complex equations, create striking works of arts and has been sucked on by schoolkids in a million exams...When a passer by spotted a black substance clinging to the roots of an oak tree upturned in a storm, he couldn't imagine that would change the world......It is pencil..How it is work and the history of it.
Ia boleh menulis di dlm air, angkasa dan hampir semua permukaan. Telah digunakan untuk menyelesaikan pengiraan kompleks, mereka kerja seni dan digunakan oleh berjuta kanak2 sewaktu peperiksaan...Apabila seorang pejalan kaki terjumpa bahan hitam tergantung di atas pokok selepas ribut. Ia tidak dapat menjangka bahan itu akan merubah dunia...Ia adalah pensel. Bagaimana ia berfungsi dan sejarahnya.

Welcome to the moon : Your Home away from Home.
What we need if we want to colonize on moon.
1) How to travel to & fro earth ?
2) How to harvest energy ?
3) Will there any fun on moon ?
4) What do we will do on moon ?
All will be explained scientifically by scientist.
Apa yang perlu dilakukan jika kita ingin bermastautin di bulan.
1) Bagaimana pergi & balik ke bumi.
2) Bagaimana menjana tenaga ?
3) Seronokkah bermastautin di bulan ?
4) Apa yang perlu dilakukan di Bulan ?
Semua akan diterangkan secara saintifik oleh saintis.

The House That Jorn Built
What in Jorn Utzon mind when he design Sydney Opera House...exclusive photo during the construction. What inside it? What is the function ?
Sewaktu Jorn Utzon mereka Rumah Opera Sydney, apakah impiannya...foto ekslusif sewaktu pembinaan. Apa di dalamnya ? apakah fungsinya ??

Celestial Trailblazers.
60 yrs before Columbus reached America, Admiral Zheng He sailed to Italy from China. How on earth did they navigate halfway round the earth?
60 tahun sebelum Columbus menemui Amerika, Laksamana Zheng He belayar ke Itali dari China. Bagaimana mereka mengemudi separuh dunia untuk ke Itali?

Do It Yourself
How to make water rocket??
Bagaimana mebuat roket air??

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